Call records

Call records

C¢P¢Call records

The different call information is listed on 5 tabs:

All calls, Dialled calls, Missed calls, Received calls and Time & charges.

F Navigate to tabs.

Each list displays the 100 most recent calls.

Call log lists

The number of a caller is displayed if

the caller has switched off the Hide ID function and

the network supports the Caller Id function.

Alternatively, a caller’s name is displayed if it is stored as a contact.

If the number was not transmitted for the reasons above a message is displayed instead.

Your phone stores the numbers of calls for convenient redialling.

Audio and video calls are stored.

Redial number


Select call log list


(e.g. Missed calls).

Select entry.

A/ C/ jDial number (if available), make video call.

All calls

Access all missed, dialled and received calls.

Dialled calls

Access last numbers dialled by you.

A/ j

Fast access in standby





Missed calls


The numbers of calls that you have received but not answered are stored for callback purposes.

Missed calls are displayed in standby mode (page 17). Select entry and confirm with Cto open missed calls list.

Received calls

Accepted calls are listed.