108 | My stuff |
My stuff
To organise your files, you can use the file system like a PC file manager. There are some folders in My stuff for various data types for this purpose. If, for example, you want to download new pictures or sounds, the download function is contained in the relevant folder.
Remember that pictures and sounds may be protected (DRM, page 18).
You can open My stuff either from other applications, e.g. media play- er, messages, settings or via the main menu:
If RS MultiMediaCard is inserted (page 11), folders/files are organised on a separate tab. Files are managed the same way as files saved on the phone.
F | Select tab (phone memory/ |
| RS MultiMediaCard). List of |
I | folders/files is displayed. |
Select folder/file or link | |
§Back§ | and confirm with C. |
Go back to previous | |
| folder level. |
Depending on your selection, the file and respective application are opened, or the download is started.
Index structure
Files are organised in folders. Some folders have already been created for different data types. These folders cannot be changed: Sounds, Pictures, Videos, Misc..
The phone memory tab has, addi- tionally, the folders Themes, Games and Appl.. When selected, the number of entries is displayed.
The content of the fixed folders is fil- tered. The folders contain special media types (see table page 109). Files that do not fit in another folder are listed in Misc..
You can add personal folders on the top level as well as subfolders. Personal folders are displayed behind the default folders.
Personal folders on the top level can contain mixed media types. Personal folders can be renamed and deleted.
Within fixed folders you can add personal subfolders, which are restricted to the media type of the fixed folder.
Additional information
When you enter My stuff from other appli- cations, e.g. messages, to open/send file with a specific media type, the respective fixed folder is opened. In that mode you can select files of the same type stored in personal folders or in the media album via links from fixed folders.