Bluetooth visible to other users.

Settings 117

Bluetooth active

On/Off Activate/deactivate Bluetooth and confirm with C.

If Bluetooth is activated, IrDA (Infra- red) is deactivated and vice versa.

Bluetooth reduces the phone’s standby time if it is activated.

Shown on the display:

¨Bluetooth activated.


ªDuring transmission.

«Call on Bluetooth device accepted.

File location

Select where the files are to be stored after being tranferred via Bluetooth.


Select and confirm with C.


Search for specific categories of devices or for all Bluetooth devices.

All devices/Audio/Phone/PC Select and confirm with C to start search.

Found devices are displayed in a list (for list options see page 118).

If Audio is selected Headsets, Car kit and audio or video devices are listed.

Known devices

Display the list of known devices.

Last connected

Display the list of last 10 connected devices, including those that are currently connected.

My BT name

Display device address. Enter the device name that is shown to other BT devices when they request this (see Bluetooth visibility).


Enter BT name for your

phone (up to 16 charac-


ters) and confirm


with C.

If no name is entered, the device address is shown to other BT users (the device address cannot be changed).