Instant messaging

Add new contact

You can enter either a mobile number or the Instant message ID.

<Add new contct>

Select and confirm with C.

I Navigate to input fields. Nickname: Enter name (optional).

Select: Select Phone number:/ Messenger ID:.

Entry: Enter number/ID.

§Options§ Open menu and select Save.

Additional information

To browse the contacts application press §Options§ and select Contacts.

Find new users

§Options§ Open menu and select Find new users.


Enter Screen name:/

Messenger ID:/Phone


number: as search criteria.


Open menu and select



The results are listed by screen




Open menu and select


New search to configure


new search criteria.

Authorisation message

If the user you want to add to your contact list has privacy settings (page 84), the presence is not available immediately. A request is sent to the user. If the user confirms the request an authorisation message is sent. Presence is displayed.

As long as presence cannot be dis- played, the contact is not listed in the online contacts (page 77).

Info messages

Info messages can be authorisation messages or server messages (e.g. knock service messages if availability of a user changes, page 84).

Info messages are stored automatically if you ignore an info message or if you are offline.

Starting/viewing/ending conversations

Instant messages are exchanged between users in ongoing conversa- tions. You can join up to 5 conversa- tions. Active conversations are listed on the Conversations tab (page 77).