Call records


Call log list menu

Depending on the current situation, different functions will be offered.

§Options§ Open menu.


Dial number (if number


is available)

View contact/

If number is saved as

Add to Contacts

contact, view contact.


If number is not yet


saved, create new




Display call type (vid-


eo/voice call), number,


name, time/date and


duration of the call.

For standard functions see page 20.

Time & charges

You can display the call duration and currency and rate of a call. You can set the currency and rate for charge display.

Last call/All incoming calls/All outgoing calls

Select list and confirm with C.

For the selected call type the following information is displayed: the date/time and the duration and charges. For all incoming and all outgoing calls the number of recorded calls is displayed, too.


If the display of costs is disabled or the currency is not entered, cost information is not displayed.

Reset all incoming/outgoing calls lists

View list (see above).

§Reset§ Press to reset the current list.

§Yes§ Confirm reset notification.

Charge settings

Settings Select and confirm

with C.


(PIN2 protected)


Enter currency

(up to 3 characters).


Open menu and


select Save.


(PIN2 protected)


Enter per minute rate.


Open menu and select



Display costs

On/Off Activate/deactivate cost display and confirm with C.