Message settings

Save sent


Select Yes/No to save



a copy of the sent



e-mails in the local Sent



folder (page 66).



To save sent e-mails on



server you should set



your own address as CC.

Include orig on

Select Yes/No to include



the original text in the re-



ply message or not.

Req. deliv.


Select Yes/No.




Request read

Select Yes/No.




Add signature



Select No e-mail/


New e-mail/All e-mails and


confirm with C.

Create signature

The signature may span multiple lines.


Enter signature and

confirm with C.


CB settings

C¢M¢Message settings

¢Cell broadcast

¢Select function.

Rec. broadcasts

You can activate and deactivate the CB service. If the CB service is activat- ed, the standby time for the phone will be reduced.

On/Off Select and confirm

with C.

Cell info display

You can select whether or not the local cell information should be displayed in standby mode.

On/Off Select and confirm

with C.