62 Inbox

POP3 account

The inbox on the phone contains all the e-mails that are in the inbox on the POP3 server.

You can configure whether or not an e-mail is deleted on the server when deleted on the phone (page 73).

IMAP4 account

The inbox lists e-mails as well as subscribed folders (e.g. mailboxes). You can subscribe to various folders on the IMAP4 server. E-mails are retrieved only from the subscribed folders.

If you delete e-mails on the phone they are deleted on the server automatically.

E-mail options menu

Depending on the current situation, different functions will be offered.

§Options§ Open menu.


If only headers are re-


trieved, retrieve body


and display e-mail.

Retrieve e-mail

Retrieve new e-mail


for selected account


(page 63).

Retrieve all

Retrieve new e-mail


headers for all config-


ured accounts.


Open account


settings for highlight-


ed account (page 72).


If no account is config-


ured create new




Create new e-mail.

Reply to all



Forward e-mail to


another recipient.

Add to Contacts

Save as contact


(page 64).

Only POP3 account:

Delete on server

Delete e-mail on serv-


er only. The local copy


is retained.

Only IMAP4 account:

Subscr. to

(page 63)



Move to folder

(page 63)


E-mail within the folder


is deleted on the


phone only. The syn-


chronisation of e-mails


to server is stopped.

Display order

Select Folders first/


E-mail first.

For standard functions see page 20.

Additional information

You can set the max. size of downloaded e-mails (page 71).