Create message


SMS options

Depending on the current situation, different functions will be offered.

§Options§ Open menu.

Add item

Select Picture/Video/


Sound. Select file from


the corresponding My


stuff folder (page 108).


Remember that files may


be protected (DRM,


page 18).


If you try to add items that


cannot be sent via SMS,


message is converted to


MMS after confirmation.

Send options

Set Status report/


Validity period/SMS


type/Send with for


current SMS. See also


SMS settings (page 67).

Further functions, see page 55.

Writing/sending an MMS

An MMS is composed of slides, each containing text/pictures/sounds or a video.

I Navigate MMS slides.

Please note that media files may be protected (DRM, page 18).

C¢M¢Create message ¢MMS


Enter text (up to

1024 characters)/add


items (see options menu).


Open menu and select


Add recipient (page 55).

Send message.



If the MMS could not be sent successfully, press §Retry§.

Additional information

The following is displayed in the top display line: text entry mode, number of remaining characters and size of the message.