88 Internet

§Options§ Open menu and select Save.

Look and feel

I Navigate to functions.

Font size Select Small/Medium/Large.

Text wrap Select Char. bounds./Word bounds..

Scroll step

Select Single line/Half page/ Whole page. Set the increment by which pages are scrolled when navigating within the Internet page.

Connection timeout

Set the maximum wait time for the web re- sponse. Select 30 seconds/ 60 seconds/No timeout.

Title region

Set whether or not to show title region of phone when browsing. Select Show/Don't show.

§Options§ Open menu and select Save.


I Navigate to functions.

Secure prompt

Select Yes/No. Display a security request when leaving a page with secure connection to enter a page that is non-secure.

ID cache Select Enable service/ Disable service. Set whether or not the browser should store your user ID and password.

Cookies Select Enabled/Disabled to activate/deactivate cookies.

Link referral

Allow the current page to see previous URL. Select Allow/Do not allow.


Display the list of stored certificates.


Display the current certificate information.

Certificate List

I Select certificate.

C Display the selected certificate information, e.g. serial number, algorithm, validity period.

§Options§ Open menu and select Enable/Disable for the highlighted certificate.