44 Contacts

Send contact

If you want to send/receive complete contacts, the contact is transmitted as a vCard.

You can send your own/other contacts via Bluetooth, IrDA, SMS, MMS or e-mail.

Receiving vCard

You can receive contacts included in a message or via IrDA/Bluetooth. You can save vCards as contacts:

§Options§ Open menu and select Save contact to save vCard as new contact.


To find a contact more easily you can either search for the contact, change the sort order of the contact list or set filter criteria for the list.

Contacts search


Enter text/number and

confirm with C.


A list is displayed with contacts which contain the text/number sequence.

Sort contacts

The contact list is resorted.


Select sort order and con-


firm with C.

Filter contacts


Select filter criterion



(page 41) and confirm


with C.

Voice-activated dialling

You can dial numbers from the contacts by speaking the name. SIM con- tacts, distribution lists and groups cannot have a voice tag.

You have to record a voice tag for every number so your phone "recognises " you. To record voice tags you speak the name loudly and clearly into the phone and store it.

You can store about 100 voice tags. You can assign one voice tag to each number of a contact.

Recording a voice tag

Record the voice tag in a quiet envi- ronment. You should speak into the phone from a distance of about

25 cm. The voice tag may be 3 sec. long.

Additional information

If you use voice-activated dialling mainly with a handsfree set it is useful to record the voice tag with the handsfree set.

F Open the Contacts tab. I Select a contact.

I Select number input field.