122 Settings

Divert other call types

All calls/Data/Fax/Messages

Select a call type and confirm with C.


Open menu and select





Enter the number you


want to divert to. Or se-


lect Contacts from the op-


tions menu and select a




Check status



Open menu and select


Check status.


You can check the current divert status for all conditions. After a short pause, the current situation is transmitted by the network and displayed.

Clear allb

§Options§ Open menu and select Clear all.

All set diversions are cleared. Confirm with C.

Additional information

Note that the divert is stored in the network and not in the phone (e.g., when the SIM card is changed).

Reactivate divert

The last divert has been stored. Proceed as with "Set divert". The stored number is displayed. Confirm number.

All calls


All calls are diverted.

ÇSymbol in the top line of the display in standby mode.


A call is diverted in the following sit- uations: Not reachable, No reply, Busy (see below).

Not reachable


A call is diverted if the phone is


switched off or is out of range.


No reply


A call is only diverted after a delay that is determined by the network. The period can be set to a maximum of 30 seconds in 5 second intervals.



A call is diverted if another call is in progress. If you activated Call waiting (page 121), you will hear the call waiting tone during a call (page 33).



Fax calls are diverted to a number with a fax connection.


Data calls are diverted to a number with a PC connection.