98 Organiser

HTTP authent.:

Enable/disable HTTP authentication. Select No/Yes.

HTTP usrname:

Enter your user name when HTTP authent.: is active.

HTTP passwd:

Enter your password when HTTP authent.: is active (shown as a series of asterisks).

Restore defaults

§Options§ Open menu and select Restore defaults.

Sync mode

I Navigate to input fields.

Data to sync:

Select whether All data or only Modified data is to be transferred during synchronisation.

Sync direction:

Select the direction in which synchronisation is to occur. Possible settings: Two-way, Mob.overwrite,


§Options§ Open menu and select Save to confirm.

Apps to synchronise

CCheck/Uncheck highlight- ed item. Select the data type: Contacts, Calendar or both.

§Done§ Press to confirm.

Sync log

Display a summary of the latest syn- chronisation. The log indicates whether the synchronisation attempt was successful, e.g. date, time and details about the synchronised application.

Additional information

For original Siemens Accessories, e.g. Data Cable, see page 147. During the synchronisation all applications are locked.