Switch phone on/off, enter PIN

Switch phone on/off, enter PIN

Switching the phone on/off

Entering the PIN

The SIM card can be protected with a 4 to 8-digit PIN.

Switching the phone on


Press and hold On/Off/End


key to switch phone on.

Enter PIN or confirm request (page 25).

Your greeting message and the startup animation are displayed if activated (page 114). Press any key to end the animation.

The phone switches on automatically when:

• You charge the phone via USB or


Enter PIN using number

keys. Asterisks appear to


ensure nobody can read


your PIN on the display.


Correct with l.

Confirm. Logging on to


the network will take a


few seconds.




Additional information


Change PIN..................................

page 24

Clear SIM card barring .................

page 25

an alert or calendar event appears. If you do not respond, the phone switches off again. If you respond to the alert, the PIN is required.

§Yes§ Press to activate.


§Offline§ Press to start in offline mode (page 18).