138 Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

If you have any questions about using your phone, visit us at www.siemens.com/mobilephonescustomercare any time. For additional help, we have listed below some frequently asked questions and answers.

Configuration service

To help you set up your mobile phone for the data service WAP, MMS, e-mail and Internet, you can use a configuration service. This service is used to have the necessary settings for your mobile phone sent to you by SMS. We recommend that you contact your network provider who will send you the configuration messages.

As an alternative you can also use the "Setting Configurator" at www.siemens.com/mobilephonescustomercare. Siemens will then send you the configuration messages. Please follow the instructions contained in those messages.


Possible causes

Possible solution

Phone cannot be

On/Off key not pressed long

switched on.



Flat battery.

Press On/Off key for at least two seconds.

Charge battery. Check charging indicator in the display.


Battery contacts dirty.

Clean contacts.


See also below under "Charging





Too little standby

The operating time depends on the respective operating conditions.


Extreme temperatures significantly reduce the phone's standby time!


Some settings/functions nega- It may be useful to restrict the use of the following


tively affect the standby time.

functions in order to improve the standby time:



Bluetooth function, Cell Broadcast, Infrared inter-



face, Silent Alert/Vibrator Alarm, Fast Search,



GPRS, display illumination (can be adjusted to a



lower level or switched off), frequent use of organ-



iser and games, continuous animated screensaver.


Data cable connected.

When a data cable is connected, the battery will be



empty within a few hours even if there is no active



data connection at all. Connect data cable only if





Unintentional keystrokes

Activate auto key lock (page 130).

