Message settings


Message settings

You can configure SMS, MMS, e-mails, cell broadcast (CB), voice mail and instant messages.

SMS settings

C¢M¢Message settings ¢SMS ¢Select function.

SMS profiles

The SMS parameters are configured in up to 5 different profiles. Profiles can be renamed, edited and set as default.

Setting default profile

If profile is already configured:


Select profile and press

Cto set profile as default.


Edit profile



Select profile and press

§Edit§ to open editor.



Select option (see table).


Press to edit option,


confirm setting with C.

The following options are displayed:

Message centre Enter number of message centre.


You can set a default


recipient for the profile.


Select Add fr. contacts


and select contact/dis-


tribution list or enter



Validity period

Select Maximum/


1 week/1 day/


12 hours/1 hour.


If SMS could not be de-


livered during this peri-


od, it is deleted from


message centre



Status report

Select On/Off/Ask on


send. A status report is


sent when a message is


delivered successfully.


If Ask on send is acti-


vated, a prompt is dis-


played when SMS is




Select On/Off/Ask on


send to set whether or


not a confirmation for


successfully sent mes-


sages is displayed.

SMS access

Select GSM/GPRS.

SMS memory

Select Phone/SIM as


default save location for


incoming SMS.

SMS type = Select delivery type.