6.Command Specification LOG SENSE
6-20 SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0
Tape Alert Log Page Parameter Codes
Code Flag Flag Type Recommended application client message Probable cause
01h Read Warning W The tape drive is having problems reading data. No
data has been lost, but there has been a reduction
in the performance of the tape.
The drive is having severe
trouble reading
02h Write
W The tape drive is having problems writing data. No
data has been lost, but there has been a reduction
in the capacity of the tape.
The drive is having severe
trouble writing
03h Hard Error W The operation has stopped because an error has
occurred while reading or writing data, which the
drive cannot correct.
The drive had a hard read
or write error
04h Media C Your data is at risk:
1. Copy any data you require from this tape.
2. Do not use this tape again.
3. Restart the operation with a different tape.
Media can no longer be
written/read, or
performance is severely
05h Read Failure C The tape is damaged or the drive is faulty. Call the
tape drive supplier helpline.
The drive can no longer
read data from the tape
06h Write Failure C The tape is from a faulty batch or the tape drive is
1. Use a good tape to test the drive.
2. If the problem persists, call the tape drive
supplier helpline.
The drive can no longer
write data to the tape
07h Media Life W The tape cartridge has reached the end of its
calculated useful life:
1. Copy any data you need to another tape
2. Discard the old tape.
The media has exceeded
its specified life
08h Not Data
W The tape cartridge is not data-grade. Any data you
back up to the tape is at risk.
Replace the cartridge with a data-grade tape.
The drive has not been
able to read the MRS
09h Write Protect C You are trying to write to a write-protected cartridge.
Remove the write-protection or use another tape.
Write command is
attempted to a write
protected tape
0Ah No Removal I You cannot eject the cartridge because the tape
drive is in use.
Wait until the operation is complete before ejecting
the cartridge.
Manual or s/w unload
attempted when prevent
media removal on
0Bh Cleaning
I The tape in the drive is a cleaning cartridge. Cleaning tape loaded into
0Ch Unsupported
I You have tried to load a cartridge of a type that is
not supported by this drive.
Attempted loaded of
unsupported tape format,
e.g. DDS2 in DDS1 drive
0Dh Recoverable
Snapped Tape
C The operation has failed because the tape in the
drive has snapped:
1. Discard the old tape.
2. Restart the operation with a different tape.
Tape snapped/cut in the
drive where media can be
0Eh Unrecoverable
Snapped Tape
C The operation has failed because the tape in the
drive has snapped:
1. Do not attempt to extract the tape cartridge.
2. Call the tape drive supplier helpline.
Tape snapped/cut in the
drive where media cannot
be ejected
0Fh Memory Chip
in Cartridge
W The memory in the tape cartridge has failed, which
reduces performance.
Do not use the cartridge for further backup
Memory chip failed in
10h Forced Eject C The operation has failed because the tape cartridge
was manually ejected while the tape drive was
actively writing or reading.
Manual or forced eject
while drive actively writing
or reading
11h Read Only
W You have loaded a cartridge of a type that is
read-only in this drive.
The cartridge will appear as write-protected
Media loaded that is
read-only format