riage return code.) To end this program and print the contents of the buffer, press RETURN alone.
Now add this line:
10 LPRINT CHR$(27);"il";
And RUN the program. Your printer responds to your typing - immediately.
When you are finished, press RETURN alone.
nAdjusting the width of space between characters
This printer provides a command that adjusts the space be- tween all the characters that it prints when the DIP switch
Unit of adjusting space width
Print style | 1Unit of motion |
Draftcharacters |
| |
1LQ characters | I | |
1LQ proportionalcharacters |
Try this program to see how this works.
10 ' Demo of adjusting spaces
20 FOR I=5 TO 1 STEP
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);” “;CHR$(I);
40 LPRINT "This line is added";I;"spaces."
60 LPRINT CHR$(27);” “;CHR$(O);
70 LPRINT "This line is Normal space."
80 END
This line is added 5 spaces.
This line is added 4 spaces.
This line is added 3 spaces.
This line is added 2 spaces.
This line is added 1 spaces.
This line is Normal space.