nCondensed print
Each of the print pitches also can be condensed to its normal width. This is called condensed print. Try this program to see how it works:
10 ’ Demo of condensed pitch
20LPRINT "Demonstration of ";
30LPRINT CHR$(15);
60LPRINT w printing."
Demonstration of CONDENSEDprinting.
Condensed print set with CHR$(15) stays on until you turn it off with CHR$( 18). Note that you don’t need to put an (ESC) in front of the CHR$( 15), although (ESC) CHR$( 15) works just the same.
| Table |
| Condensed print commands |
Function |
| Control code |
Condensed | ON | CHR$(15)or(ESC)CHR$(15) |
Condensed | OFF | CHR$(18) |
By combining expanded print and condensed print with the two pitches, this printer has eight different character widths available.
Enter this program to see how the print pitches, expanded print and condensed print can be combined:
10' Demo of various print pitches
20 LPRINT CHR$(15);
30LPRINT CHR$(27);"M";
40LPRINT "This line is CONDENSED ELITE pitch."
50LPRINT CHRS(27);"P";
60LPRINT "This line is CONDENSED PICA pitch."
80LPRINT CHR$(27);"M";
90LPRINT "This line is NORMAL ELITE pitch."