Self-test 1
DIP switch 2-2 ON
DIP switch 2-2 OFF
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Self-test 2
‘igure 2-12.The self-tests show you what the printer can print.
Your printer has two built-in programs that printout sample
lines of letters, numbers, and other characters-to show you that everything’s in good working order. Self-test 1 is the long version, and self-test 2 is the short one. You can use either one to show the characters available in the printer, to check the in- stallation of the ribbon and paper, and to check the adjustment of the head-to-platen gap.
Best of all, you don’t have to wait another minute-you can print the self-test without hooking up the printer to your com- puter! It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3. . .
1.Plug in the printer (don’t turn it on yet).
2.Insert a sheet of paper (or sprocket paper, either one).
3.While holding down one of the following keys, turn on the power switch: