/etc/remote file, 23 modifying, 25
Activity (disk drive LED), 65 Advanced Lights Out Manager (ALOM)
commands, See sc> prompt escape sequence (#.), 9 logging in, 34
multiple connections to, 9 sc> prompt, See sc> prompt
get status, 71 to 75 relay output API, 71 to 75 set status, 71 to 75
ALOM, See Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager (ALOM)
alphanumeric terminal
accessing system console from, 26 baud verification, 28
setting baud rate, 26
variable), 10, 42
automatic system recovery (ASR) about, 41
commands, 44 disabling, 45 enabling, 44
obtaining recovery information, 46
bootmode diag (sc> command), 41 bootmode reset_nvram (sc> command), 40 break (sc> command), 11
Break key (alphanumeric terminal), 14
cables, keyboard and mouse, 29 cfgadm (Solaris command), 63
cfgadm install_device (Solaris command), cautions against using, 64
cfgadm remove_device (Solaris command), cautions against using, 64
Cisco L2511 Terminal Server, connecting, 19 command prompts, explained, 16 communicating with the system
about, 1 options, table, 2
concatenation of disks, 54 console (sc> command), 11
console configuration, connection alternatives explained, 6