FIGURE 1-1 Directing the System Console to Different Ports and Different Devices 4
FIGURE 1-2 Serial Management Port on the ALOM System Controller Card–Default Console
Connection 5
FIGURE 1-3 Alternative Console Ports (Require Additional Configuration) 6
FIGURE 1-4 Separate System Console and System Controller “Channels” 15
FIGURE 1-5 Patch Panel Connection Between a Terminal Server and a Netra 440 Server 20
FIGURE 1-6 TIP Connection Between a Netra 440 Server and Another Sun System 22
FIGURE 3-1 Graphical Representation of Disk Concatenation 54
FIGURE 3-2 Graphical Representation of Disk Striping 55
FIGURE 3-3 Graphical Representation of Disk Mirroring 55