Appendix B: Specifications B–81
Standard Languages and Character Sets
There are two ways to select a language or character set.
One method is by substituting certain characters in the lower half of the charac-
ter set, such as # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } and ~. This can be done by using the control
panel Language selection, or through the emulation. The language substitu-
tions available through the emulation differ by emulation.
The other method is by selecting an entire set of the characters (also called
code pages) for the upper half of the character set. This can be done by using
the control panel Character Set selection, or through the emulation. The
character sets available through the emulation differ by emulation.
Language substitutions and character set selections are valid for all font styles
except OCR-A and OCR-B. In the case of OCR-A and OCR-B, the only available
options are DIN and ANSI, selected through the OCR Style selection on the
control panel.
Language Substitutions
There are 42 available language substitutions, including Canadian, Canadian
Alternate, Chinese, Danish MT660, Danish 2 Epson, Dutch LG, Finnish LG,
French (ISO 69), French Epson, French MT660, French Withdrawn, German
(ISO 21), Hebrew LG, Hungarian, International Reference Version (ISO 2),
Italian (ISO 15), Italian Epson, Italian MT660, Japanese (ISO 14), JIS Roman
LG, Latin American Epson, Norwegian Epson, Norwegian / Danish (ISO 60),
Norwegian / Danish Epson, Norwegian / Danish ISO LG, Norwegian / Danish
LG, Norwegian / Danish MT660, Portuguese (ISO 16), Portuguese LG, Spanish
(ISO 17), Spanish Epson, Swedish LG, Swedish / Finnish (ISO 11), Swedish /
Finnish Basic (ISO 10), Swedish / Finnish MT660, Swiss LG, Turkish LG, UK
(ISO 4), UK Epson, UK LG, US (ISO 6), and VT100.
Character Sets
There are 40 available character sets / code pages, including Bulgarian (Code
Page 866B), Cyrillic (Code Page 866), Cyrillic (Code Page 1251), Cyrillic (ISO
8859-5), DEC Greek Supplemental, DEC Hebrew Supplemental, DEC Multina-
tional, DEC Supplemental, DEC Technical, DEC Turkish Supplemental, French
Canadian (Code Page 863), Greek (Code Page 437G), Greek (Code Page 851),
Greek (Code Page 869), Greek (Code Page 928), Greek (Code Page 1253),
Greek (ISO 8859-7), Hebrew (Code Page 862), Hebrew (Code Page (1255),
Hebrew (ISO 8859-8), IBM Proprinter (Code Page 437), Katakana (ISO 13),
Latin 1 (Code Page 850), Latin 1 (Code Page 1252), Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1),
Latin 2 (Code Page 852), Latin 2 (Code Page 1250), Latin 2 (ISO 8859-2),
Latin 9 (ISO 8859-15), Line Draw (MT660), Roman-8 (HP), Russian Cyrillic
(Code Page 855), SAP 8859-1, SAP 8859-2, SAP 8859-5, Turkish (Code Page
857), Turkish (Code Page 1254), Turkish (DEC), Turkish (ISO 8859-9), and
Turkish (Siemens).
Fonts, Languages and Characters