Acutime 2000 Synchronization Kit User Guide A-67
ATrimble Standard Interface Protocol
on the status of the ephemeris in the receiver for a given satellite. The
structure of packet 5B is shown in the table below.
SV PRN Number is from 1 to 32 representing the satellite PRN
number. Time of Collection is the GPS time when this ephe meris data
was collected from the satellite. Health is the 6-bit ephemeris health.
IODE, toe, and Fit Interval Flag are as described in ICD-GPS-200.
SV Accuracy (URA) is converted to meters from the 4-bit code as
described in ICD-GPS-200.
Table A-57 Report Packet 5B
Byte Item Type Units
0 Satellite PRN number BYTE
1-4 Time of Collection SINGLE seconds
5Health BYTE
7-10 toe SINGLE seconds
11 Fit Interval Flag BYTE
12-15 SV Accuracy (URA) SINGLE meters