| Appendix |
Panel Array Mode |
Problem | Resolution |
Low resolution video in Panel | Increase the number of panels that are displayed. |
Array Mode. |
When multiple remote users are | The first user to invoke Panel Array Mode should |
logged in concurrently, some of | set it to display at least 4 panels. |
them only receive a partial image. |
The Windows Client |
Problem | Resolution |
The Windows Client won't | DirectX 7.0 or higher must be installed on the |
connect to the | remote computer. |
The remote computer’s pointer is | 1. Use the AutoSync feature (see Video Adjust- |
out of sync. | ment, page 84), to sync the local and remote |
| monitors. |
| 2. If that doesn't resolve the problem, use the |
| Adjust Mouse feature (see Adjust mouse, |
| page 83) to bring them back in sync. |
| 3. If the two methods described above fail to |
| resolve the problem, use the Toggle Mouse Dis- |
| play function (see page 83). |
| 4. See Additional Mouse Synchronization Proce- |
| dures, page 145. |
Part of the remote window is off | 1. If Keep Screen Size (see page 123) is not |
my monitor. | enabled, use the AutoSync feature (see Video |
| Adjustment, page 84) to synchronize the local |
| and remote monitors. |
| 2. If Keep Screen Size is enabled, you can scroll to |
| the areas that are off the screen. See the note |
| on page 78 for details. |
The remote computer’s display is | Enable Keep Screen Size (see page 123). |
rotated 90 degrees. |
I cannot run Net Meeting when | Enable Keep Screen Size (see page 123). |
the Windows Client is running. |
When I log in, the browser | The certificate’s name is not found on Microsoft’s |
generates a CA Root certificate is | list of Trusted Authorities. However, the certificate |
not trusted, or a Certificate Error | can be trusted. See Trusted Certificates, page 134, |
response. | for details. |