CONVERSip EP100 User
Call Transferring Summary (Continued)
| What are the | How is the transferred |
| |
| sender’s actions |
| ||
Transfer | after answering | call delivered to the | Best suited | |
option | original call? | receiver? | for: | |
Quick | 1. | Dial extension | Intercom ringing (two | Normal trans- |
Transfer | 2. | Announce call | short bursts) and the intro- | fers from |
(with intro) | 3. | Disconnect | duction of the call; if | attendants |
| answered in speakerphone | and operators |
| mode, ringing will also | who handle a |
| follow the transfer | large number |
| of incoming |
| calls which |
| require trans- |
| fer. |
Quick | 1. | Dial extension | Normal intercom ringing | Expected |
Transfer | 2. | Disconnect | (two short bursts) | transfers from |
(without |
| attendants |
intro) |
| and operators |
| who handle a |
| large number |
| of incoming |
| calls which |
| require trans- |
| fer. |
Sept ‘04 | Comdial | 63 |