Whirlpool MFW 9700S, MFW 9600S manual Electrician+

Models: MFW 9600S MFW 9700S

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Do not ground to a gas pipe.


Check with a qualified electrician if you are not sure the





washer is properly grounded.











Do not have a fuse in the neutral or ground circuit.




￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿









This washer must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction









or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electrical





shock by providing a path of least resistance for electric





current. This washer is equipped with a cord having an





equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The

3 prong grounding plug.

plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is







properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local


codes and ordinances.






￿ ￿￿!9 Improper connection of the equipment-





grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock.

A 120-volt, 60-Hz., AC-only, 15- or 20-amp, fused electrical

Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if you are in

doubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded.

supply is required. Time-delay fuse or circuit breaker is

Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance ? if it will

recommended. It is recommended that a separate circuit

serving only this appliance be provided.

not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified

This washer is equipped with a power supply cord having a



To minimize possible shock hazard, the cord must be plugged into a mating, 3 prong, grounding-type outlet, grounded in accordance with local codes and ordinances. If a mating outlet is not available, it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to have the properly grounded outlet installed by a qualified electrician.

If codes permit and a separate ground wire is used, it is recommended that a qualified electrician determine that the ground path is adequate.

This washer must be connected to a grounded metal, permanent wiring system, or an equipment grounding conductor must be run with the circuit conductors and connected to the equipment-grounding terminal or lead on the appliance.

￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿9￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿


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Position the washer so that the rear of the washer is within approximately 3 ft (90 cm) of its final location.

There are 4 bolts in the rear panel of the washer that support the


suspension system during transportation. These bolts also retain


the power cord inside the washer until the bolts are removed.

￿￿Using a 13 mm wrench, loosen each of the bolts.


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Whirlpool MFW 9700S, MFW 9600S manual Electrician+