1234563925683Check electrical6source6or call electrician. Do not use an extension!"#38cord.4
Cycle will complete once extra suds are removed.
A single or bulky item may cause imbalance. Add more items
or redistribute the load. 453649329%23&62383 123456725379 357967
The washer must be level. The four feet should be properly installed, and the nuts should be tightened against the washer cabinet.
As water is drained from the washer, you may hear air being pulled through the pump. This happens during the end of
123925683'$draining863%%6823925. Itis249normal673346.39324238739732738
(56Refer&35to the265Installation73%Instructions38369&2for flooring
The plywood may extend underneath both washer and dryer to keep them at equal heights.
1234567 3
35 37 5 67 52
$requirements8634563%9849678. 4Noise3%87and423vibration34563may886be437reduced2%62683by placing a piece of ¾" (19.1 mm) plywood underneath your washer.
Add the correct amounts of detergent, fabric softener or liquid chlorine bleach to the correct compartments. Add powdered or liquid
123456376468with liquid detergent64326%9894. 833456388643%24
Separator should be in the front position when using liquid detergent and in the back position when using powdered detergent.
12345679#73369634563783%639468326 Use$!663(863of
result in odor.
This washer has a tight seal to avoid water leaks. To avoid odors leave the door open to allow the washer to dry between uses.
927 9 85263438543 6346383834563&397346236835992567633
68#733Select976734563a 2cycle925392843%8with%6892568ahigherspin speed.
A single item, bulky items, or overloading may cause imbalance. Add items or try to evenly distribute your wet laundry in the drum, and start a DRAIN/SPIN cycle. If the laundry is still wet, take half of the load out of the washer and try again.
53 57969773764689 9264343456372%6268
For best results, add detergent to the detergent compartment. Do not add detergent to the washer drum.
Sort lint givers (towels, chenille) from lint takers (corduroy, synthetics)#733.68Also9734563sort by 92568color.
Do not overload the washer. The washer can be fully loaded, but not tightly packed. The wash load must be balanced. Lint can(56#73be&34563trapped32636in
Was paper or tissue left in pockets?
Use enough detergent to remove lint and hold it in suspension. Use only HE detergent. Follow the manufacturer?s instructions to determine the amount of
123detergent8394683to use.76834593./0312/(
Wash water colder than 60°F (15.6°C) may not completely $dissolve8633the2detergent39332%6673. 92536
Powdered detergents may not dissolve well in a