Configure a Scan Filing Repository using HTTP/HTTPS
1. Ensure that HTTP/HTTPS services and a web service (such as Apache) are running on the server,
where POST requests and scanned data will be sent for processing by a CGI script. Note the IP
address or host name.
2. Create a login account for the multifunction device on the web server. Create a home directory for the
device, add a bin directory to the home directory, and place an executable CGI script in the bin
directory. Make a note of the complete path to the executable CGI script. When a document is
scanned, the machine logs in using the account, sends a POST request along with the scanned file,
then logs out. The CGI script handles the remaining details of file transfer.
3. Create a directory on the web server, or an alternate server, to be used as a scan filing location
(repository). Set appropriate read and write permissions, and make a note of this directory's path.
4. Test the connection. Start a Telnet session, log in to the device's directory on the web server, and
send a POST request and file to the web server. Check to see if the file was received at the repository.
Enter the Scan Repository Details via Internet Services
5. At your workstation, open your Web browser and enter the IP address of the machine in the Address
or Location field. Press [Enter].
6. Click the [Properties] tab.
7. Enter the Administrator User name and password if prompted. The default is [admin] and [1111].
8. Select the symbol to the left of [Services].
9. Select the symbol to the left of [Network Scanning].
10. Select [File Repository Setup] in the directory tree.
11. Select [Edit] in the Default File Destination box, or [Add] in the Alternate File Destinations box.
NOTE: During device configuration, SMARTsend (if used) overwrites the Default Repository and
Template Pool scan settings. If certain applications will use Default Repository settings, not matching
SMARTsend settings, reconfigure the applications to use an Alternate Repository before configuring
the device with SMARTsend's Add/Update feature.
12. Enter a name to describe the filing destination template in the Friendly Name entry box.
13. Select HTTP or HTTPS for [Protocol].
14. Select either [IP Address] or [Host Name].
15. Enter the IP Address or Host Name of the HTTP or HTTPS server. For HTTPS communications, click
View Trusted SSL Certificates to verify that the machine has a digital certificate installed. Optionally,
you can check the Validate Repository SSL Certificate box.
16. Type in the path (starting at root) to the CGI script. Click Get Example Scripts for working scripts.
17. Type in the path to the location of the scan folder in [Document Path]. For web server directories, type
in the path starting at root.
18. Select a radio button for Login Credentials to Access the Destination. Select Authenticated User to
have your Authentication Server determine user access to the web server. Select Prompt at User
Interface to have the web server determine user access. Select System to have the system directly log
in to the web server. Select None for rare instances where a login is not required.
19. Supply a [Login Name] and [Password], if the system will be directly accessing the web server.
20. Click [Apply] to accept the changes.