NOTE: You may be asked whether you want to capture the AppleTalk print device. If you are prompted
to do this and you are unsure how to respond, click the Help button and read the help file for an
explanation of capturing AppleTalk print devices.
IMPORTANT: Capturing the printer may prevent other computers from printing to this printer. For more
information refer to Microsoft.
30. Click [Have Disk]. Load the CentreWare Print and Fax Drivers CD into your CD drive.
31. Click [Browse] and locate the CD drive.
32. Locate the folder containing printer drivers on the CD and select the required printer driver.
33. Select [Open].
34. Select [Open] again, if necessary.
35. Select [OK].
36. Select your printer model from the list and click [Next].
37. Type a name for the printer (or accept the default name), and then click [Next].
38. If you want this to be your default printer click [Yes].
39. Click [Next].
40. If you want to share this printer from your computer, click [Share As:]. Enter a share name (or accept
the default name), then click [Next].
41. If you want to print a test page, click [Yes], then click [Finish].