Using the Menu System
1-102 ❖System Administrator Guide
Print Menu The Print Menu and its available items are described in
Table 1 .28.
Refer to Table1.29 on page 1-103 for step-by-step
Tabl e 1.2 8 Pri nt Me nu I tem s
Menu Description
Print Menu Allows you to generate printer reports.
Menu Items Description
Config Sheet Prints a Configuration Sheet showing the printer's current
information and menu settings.
PCL Demo Prints a sample page demonstrating the printer's capabilities.
PCL Font List Prints a list of PCL fonts currently loaded.
PS Font List Prints a list of all PostScript language typefaces currently
Menu Map Prints a page showing the structure of the Control Panel
Menu Tree.
Test P rin t Prints a “test pattern” for analysis of print quality over the
entire page (intended for use by the service technician).
Disk Directory Prints a copy of the disk directory (and appears only if the
optional hard drive is installed).
Fault History Prints a copy of the Fault History Log.
Display Faults Displays the last 100 faults on the Control Panel.
Hex Mode Enables or disables hex dump mode, which prints the data
stream as hex codes instead of interpreting it as print data.
Restart Printer Reboots the printer as if the power was cycled but bypasses
the power on diagnostics.