Optional Equipment
6-4 ❖System Administrator Guide
Table 6.1 Optional EquipmentOptional Kits UseHard Drive Allows for secure job and proof job printing, storage of fonts and
macros, and increases the productivity of multiple-page jobs via
electronic pre-collation.
500 Sheet Feeder with option of
A3/Ledger size tray or A4/Letter
size tray
Additional media tray and feeder. The tray is interchangeable with
any 500 sheet tray.
2,000 Sheet Feeder Enables loading of up to 2,000 sheets of paper of A4 or Letter size.
The 2,000 Sheet Feeder can be attached to the printer directly, or
be installed together with the optional 500-sheet paper feeder.
Offset Catch Tray Enables stacking of up to 500 sheets of paper with the ability to
offset successive jobs (or multiple copies within the same job) from
each other. Supplements the standard output bin.
Duplex Unit Allows printing on both sides of the sheet of paper.
Ethernet 10Base2 Card Provides 10Base2 MBPS Ethernet network capability for IPX/SPX,
TCP/IP, DLC/LLC, SNMP and EtherTalk protocols.
Token Ring Card Provides network capability utilizing IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, DLC/LLC,
SNMP and TokenTalk protocols.
Serial Card Provides an RS232C interface, using a DB9 connector. The serial
port is bi-directional—i.e., it can receive data from the computer as
well as transmit data from the printer to the computer.
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