Using the Menu System
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer ❖1-37
Symbol Set
Set the default font symbol set used in
The available values are:
Desktop Legal Vn Int’l.
ISO L1 Math-8 Vn Math
ISO L2 Ms Publ. Vn US
ISO L5 PC-8* Win 3.0
ISO-4 PC-8 DN Win L1
ISO-6 PC-8 Tk Win L2
ISO-11 PC-850 Win L5
ISO-15 PC-852 ISO Latin Cyr
ISO-17 Pi Font PC Cyrillic
ISO-21 PS Math ISO L6
ISO-60 PS Text
ISO-69 Roman-8
The symbol set is a collection of
characters available for a font,
including uppercase and lowercase
alphabets, punctuation marks, and
special characters such as open and
close quotation marks or international
1.Press Menu Up or Menu
Down until you see: Menus
PCL Menu
2.Press Item Up or Item Down
until you see: PCL Menu
Symbol Set
3.Press Valu e Up or Va lue Down
until you see: Symbol Set =
New Value
4.Press Enter. You will see: PCL Menu
Symbol Set
5.Press Online. You will see: Ready
Table 1.13 PCL Menu Functions (continued)
Menu Item and Function Keystrokes Display Reads
Table1.13Page3 of 6