Downloading Fonts, Forms and Macros
Chapter 3: Using the Hard Drive and Flash Memory ❖3-7
The fol lowin g is a s equen ce of c omman ds tha t can b e sent
to the printer to download a font to the disk.
In this example:
• <ESC>%-12345X is the PJL UEL command which starts
this sequence.
• @PJL<CR><LF> is the mandatory PJL command
following the UEL command.
• @PJL FSDOWNLOAD... downloads a font named
“font1” that is “XX” bytes in size.
• <ESC>%-12345X is the UEL command which ends this
• Invoking this font requires the following PCL
• The case of the string ID must be the same as the case
of the fontname in the FSDOWNLOAD command.
• The byte count (“6” in the above example) must equal
the string ID byte count plus 1.
<ESC>%-12345X @PJL<CR><LF>
<binary data><ESC>%-12345X
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’00’>font2<CR,LF> Sets the current font ID to the given string ID
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’01’>font1<CR,LF> Associates the current font ID with the string ID
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’02’>font1<CR,LF> Selects the font referred to as “font1” for the
primary font