Downloading Fonts, Forms and Macros
Chapter 3: Using the Hard Drive and Flash Memory 3-7
The fol lowin g is a s equen ce of c omman ds tha t can b e sent
to the printer to download a font to the disk.
In this example:
<ESC>%-12345X is the PJL UEL command which starts
this sequence.
@PJL<CR><LF> is the mandatory PJL command
following the UEL command.
@PJL FSDOWNLOAD... downloads a font named
“font1” that is “XX” bytes in size.
<ESC>%-12345X is the UEL command which ends this
Invoking this font requires the following PCL
The case of the string ID must be the same as the case
of the fontname in the FSDOWNLOAD command.
The byte count (“6” in the above example) must equal
the string ID byte count plus 1.
<ESC>%-12345X @PJL<CR><LF>
<binary data><ESC>%-12345X
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’00’>font2<CR,LF> Sets the current font ID to the given string ID
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’01’>font1<CR,LF> Associates the current font ID with the string ID
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’02’>font1<CR,LF> Selects the font referred to as “font1” for the
primary font