Using the Menu System
1-36 ❖System Administrator Guide
Point Size
Set the point size when the font
selected is a scaleable proportional
font. Point size is measured in parts
per 72 of an inch.
The available values are:
4.00 - 999.75 (12.00*)
The point size changes incrementally
by .25 each time either Value U p or
Value Do wn is pressed. Holding
down Value U p or Valu e Dow n
causes continuous scrolling through
the point sizes.
1.Press Menu Up or Menu
Down until you see: Menus
PCL Menu
2.Press Item Up or Item Down
until you see: PCL Menu
Point Size
3.Press Valu e Up or Va lue Down
until you see: Point Size =
New Value
4.Press Enter. You will see: PCL Menu
Point Size
5.Press Online. You will see: Ready
Table 1.13 PCL Menu Functions (continued)
Menu Item and Function Keystrokes Display Reads
Table1.13Page2 of 6