Using the Menu System
1-22 ❖System Administrator Guide
Tray Menu The Tray Menu and its available items are described in
Table 1 .10.
Table 1.10 Tray Menu Items
Menu Description
Tray M enu Allows you to access tray settings for PCL and PostScript jobs.
Menu Items Description
MBF Size Defines the paper size that is loaded in the MBF.
MBF Type Defines the paper type that is loaded in the MBF.
Tray N Type Defines the type of paper installed in Tray N (where N is the
tray number—Tray 1, 2, or 3).
Tray S eque nce Groups two or more trays together so the group appears as
one logical tray, and defines the order in which the trays will
be searched to satisfy the input request.
Custom Size Defines the paper size that is used in formatting pages
printed from the tray(s) if Tr ay NMode is set to Custom
(which overrides the tray’s auto size detection mechanism).
Tray N Mode Determines whether or not the auto size detection
mechanism in tray N (where N is the tray number—Tray 1, 2,
or 3) should be overridden with the setting for Custom Size.
Config Fuser Enables the setting of fuser temperatures associated with
each paper type. If set to On, paper types are available as
menu items.
Plain Sets the fuser temperature to be associated with the paper
type Plain (appears only if Config Fuser is set to On).
Preprinted Sets the fuser temperature to be associated with the paper
type Preprinted (appears only if Config Fuser is set to On).
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