The System Parameters
The UTILITY SYSTEM sub-mode includes parameters that affect overall operation of the VL70- m.
M.Tune•Master Tuning
•Settings: -102.4c … +102.3c
Fine tunes the overall pitch of the VL70-m in 0.1- cent steps (a “cent” is 1/100th of a semitone). The maximum minus and plus settings produce a downward or upward pitch shift of just over a semitone. A setting of “+000.0” produces no pitch change.
RcvSysExcl•System Exclusive Receive
•Settings: off, on
This parameter determines whether or not the VL70-m will receive MIDI system exclusive messages. System exclusive data is received when this parameter is “on”, and ignored when this parameter is “off”.
TransmitCH•MIDI Transmit Channel
•Settings: 1 … 16
Selects the MIDI channel via which data corresponding to operation of a breath controller connected to the VL70-m will be transmitted.
WX Lip•WX Lip Mode
•Settings: Norm, Expd
WX-series Wind MIDI Controllers produce pitch bend data ranging from “-16” to “+32” in response to lip (reed) pressure. The “WX Lip” parameter determines whether these values are used as is (“Norm”), or expanded to a full “-64” through “+63” range (“Expd”). When the “Expd” mode is selected, the expanded pitch bend data is also transmitted via the MIDI OUT and TO HOST connector. The “Expd” setting is recommended when using a WX controller in the “tight lip” mode. The “Norm” setting is recommended when using the WX controller “loose lip” mode.
WX LipLock•WX Lip Lock
•Settings: off, on
When this parameters is “off” the VL70-m “WX Lip” parameter (above) will be automatically set to “Norm” whenever a MIDI “XG SYSTEM ON” or “VOICE MODE ON” message is received. Turn this parameter “on” if you do not want received MIDI messages to affect the “WX Lip” setting.