•Assignable Controller 1 Control Change Number
•Settings: off … 95
Assigns the specified control change number as “Assignable Controller 1”. The assigned controller can then be used to control filter, amplitude, and/or pitch modulation as specified by the “AC1FilCtrl”, AC1AmpCtrl, and “AC1LFOPMod” parameters. below. For example, if this parameter is set to “04” (Foot Controller), then a MIDI foot controller can be used to control any of the parameters just mentioned.
09(09): AC1FilCtrl•Assignable Controller 1 Filter Control
Determines the degree to which the filter is affected by Assignable Controller 1 (see “AC1 CC No.”, above). Plus settings cause the cutoff frequency of the filter to increase in response to increasing controller values, while minus values cause the filter frequency to decrease in response to increasing controller values.
10(10): AC1AmpCtrl•Assignable Controller 1 Amplitude Control
Determines the degree to which amplitude (vol- ume) is affected by Assignable Controller 1 (see “AC1 CC No.”, above). Plus settings cause the
amplitude to increase in response to increasing controller values, while minus values cause the amplitude to decrease in response to increasing controller values.
11(11): AC1LFOPMod•Assignable Controller 1 LFO Pitch Modulation
•Settings: 000 … 127
Sets the amount of LFO pitch modulation applied by Assignable Controller 1 (see “AC1 CC No.”, above). The higher the value the greater the amount of pitch modulation produced by the controller. A setting of “000” produces no pitch modulation.
Expression12:Exp Mode (VOICE mode only)
• Expression Mode
• Settings: BC, Vol
Determines whether expression control (MIDI control change number 11) will function as volume control or as breath controller. When set to “Vol” expression will affect volume, but when set to “BC” expression will produce the same effect as a breath controller connected to the
54Controllers & Control Editing