Modulation Wheel |
| Aftertouch |
04(04): MWLFO PMod |
| 06(06): ATFil Ctrl |
• Modulation Wheel LFO Pitch Modulation |
| • Aftertouch Filter Control |
| • Settings: | |
• Settings: 000 … 127 |
| |
Sets the amount of LFO pitch modulation applied by the modulation controller (e.g. the modulation wheel on a keyboard — MIDI control change number 01). The higher the value the greater the amount of pitch modulation produced by modulation controller operation. A setting of “000” produces no pitch modulation.
05(05): MWLFO FMod•Modulation Wheel LFO Filter Modulation
•Settings: 000 … 127
Sets the amount of LFO filter cutoff frequency modulation applied by the modulation controller (e.g. the modulation wheel on a keyboard — MIDI control change number 01). The higher the value the greater the amount of filter modulation produced by modulation controller operation. A setting of “000” produces no filter modulation.
Determines the degree to which the filter is affected by keyboard aftertouch. Plus settings cause the cutoff frequency of the filter to increase in response to increasing aftertouch pressure, while minus values cause the filter frequency to decrease in response to increasing aftertouch pressure.
07(07): ATLFO PMod•Aftertouch LFO Pitch Modulation
•Settings: 000 … 127
Sets the amount of LFO pitch modulation applied by keyboard aftertouch. The higher the value the greater the amount of pitch modulation produced by aftertouch pressure. A setting of “000” produces no pitch modulation.
Controllers & Control Editing 53