The Control Edit Parameters
Please note that a number of CONTROL EDIT parameters which are available in the VOICE sound module mode are not available in the
sound module mode (page 28). The parameter numbers are therefore different in each mode. Some of the value ranges are also different — the differences will be listed with the actual parameter descriptions.
●VOICE Sound Module Mode Control Edit Parameters
Refer to the page numbers listed for full details on each parameter.
Pitch Bend ........................................................................................ | 52 |
01:PB Ctrl (Pitch Bend Control)
02:PB LowCtrl (Pitch Bend Low Control)
03:PBLFO PMod (Pitch Bend LFO Pitch Modulation)
Modulation Wheel .......................................................................... | 53 |
04:MWLFO PMod (Modulation Wheel LFO Pitch Modulation)
05:MWLFO FMod (Modulation Wheel LFO Filter Modulation)
Aftertouch ....................................................................................... | 53 |
06:ATFil Ctrl (Aftertouch Filter Control)
07:ATLFO PMod (Aftertouch LFO Pitch Modulation)
Assignable Controller ..................................................................... | 54 |
08:AC1 CC No. (Assignable Controller 1 Control Change Number)
09:AC1FilCtrl (Assignable Controller 1 Filter Control)
10:AC1AmpCtrl (Assignable Controller 1 Amplitude Control)
11:AC1LFOPMod (Assignable Controller 1 LFO Pitch Modulation)
Expression ........................................................................................ | 54 |
12:Exp Mode (Expression Mode)
Pressure ............................................................................................ | 55 |
13:Prs CC No. (Pressure Control Change Number)
14:PrsCtrlDpt (Pressure Control Depth)
15:Prs Curve (Pressure Curve)
Filter .............................................................................................. | 55 |
16:Fil CC No. (Filter Control Change Number)
17:FilCtrlDpt (Filter Control Depth)
18:Fil Curve (Filter Curve)
Amplitude ........................................................................................ | 56 |
19:Amp CC No. (Amplitude Control Change Number)
20:AmpCtrlDpt (Amplitude Control Depth)
21:Amp Curve (Amplitude Curve)
48Controllers & Control Editing