The “Others” Edit Parameters
Please note that a number of OTHERS EDIT parameters which are available in the VOICE sound module mode are not available in the
module mode (page 28). The parameter numbers are therefore different in each mode.
●VOICE Sound Module Mode “Others” Edit Parameters
Refer to the page numbers listed for full details on each parameter.
Vibrato ............................................................................................. | 79 |
01:Vib Rate (Vibrato Rate)
02:Vib Depth (Vibrato Depth)
03:Vib Delay (Vibrato Delay)
Detune & Voice Level ..................................................................... | 79 |
04:Detune (Detune)
05:VoiceLevel (Voice Level)
Assignment & Expansion ............................................................... | 80 |
06:Mono/Poly (Monophonic/Polyphonic Mode)
07:AssignMode (Assign Mode)
08:PolyExpnd (Polyphonic Expansion)
Velocity Sensitivity ......................................................................... | 81 |
09:VelSensDpt (Velocity Sensitivity Depth)
10:VelSensOfs (Velocity Sensitivity Offset)
Note Limits ...................................................................................... | 81 |
11:NoteLimitL (Low Note Limit)
12:NoteLimitH (High Note Limit)
Portamento ...................................................................................... | 82 |
13:Porta Mode (Portamento Mode)
14:Porta Sw (Portamento Switch)
15:Porta Time (Portamento Time)
Dry Level & Voice Name ................................................................. | 82 |
16:Dry Level (Dry Output Level)
17:Voice Name (Voice Name)
Other Edit Parameters 77