13:Porta Mode (VOICE mode only)
• Portamento Mode
• Settings: Full, Fngr
Portamento produces a “slide” effect between subsequently played notes. The “Portamento Mode” parameter determines how the portamento slide is produced. When “Full” is selected the portamento slide will occur between any two subsequent notes when the “14(10): Porta Sw” parameter, below, is “on” even if the first note is released before the second is played. When “Fngr”(Fingered) is selected the portamento slide will only occur if the first note is still held when the second note is played.
•Portamento may not produce a perfectly smooth slide with voices in which the driver character- istics affect pitch (brass instruments, for example).
14(10): Porta Sw•Portamento Switch
•Settings: off, on
Turns portamento “on” or “off”. When “on” the portamento effect will produced as determined by the “13: Porta Mode” and “15: Porta Time” parameters.
•This parameter also selects the
•Portamento Time
•Settings: 000 … 127
The “Time” parameter sets the portamento time (i.e. the length of the slide between notes). A setting of “000” produces the fastest portamento time; “127” produces the longest portamento slide effect.
Dry Level & Voice Name16(12): Dry Level•Dry Output Level
•Settings: 000 … 127
Sets the output level of the
•This parameter display will not appear when the VARIATION EDIT mode “VarConnect” parameter is set to “INS” (Insertion Effect).
82Other Edit Parameters