•Pitch & Embouchure Envelope Attack Time
Sets the attack time of the pitch & embouchure envelope generator. In this case “attack time” refers to the length of time it takes for the pitch envelope to reach normal pitch (“+00” level) from the instant a note is played. Positive values produce a slower attack while negative values produce a faster attack.
15(11): PEGReleLvl•Pitch & Embouchure Envelope Release Level
Sets the final pitch to be reached after a note is released. A setting of “+00” produces normal pitch. Positive values raise the final pitch while negative values lower the final pitch in relation to normal pitch.
16(12): PEGReleTime•Pitch & Embouchure Envelope Release Time
Sets the release time of the pitch & embouchure envelope generator. “Release time” refers to the length of time it takes for the pitch envelope to reach the release level specified by the “PEGReleLvl” parameter (above) after a note is released. Positive values produce a slower release while negative values produce a faster release.
•The effect of the Pitch & Embouchure EG settings may be less noticeable on voices in which the embouchure is changed.
74Filter & Envelope Generator Editing