•Amplitude & Filter Envelope Release Time
Sets the release time of the amplitude & filter envelope generator. “Release time” refers to the length of time it takes for the envelope to fall to “zero” level after the note has been released. Positive values produce a slower release while negative values produce a faster release.
11:AmpLvlScBP (VOICE mode only)
•Amplitude Level Scaling Breakpoint
Amplitude level “scaling” ( or “key scaling”) produces natural level variations across the VL70- m note range by allowing an increasing or decreasing amplitude “depth” curve to be applied above or below a specified “breakpoint” note. The “AmpLvlScBP” parameter specifies the breakpoint note.
12:AmpLvlScDpt (VOICE mode only)
• Amplitude Level Scaling Depth
• Settings:
lowering of amplitude level down the scale. Negative values apply scaling to notes above the breakpoint (i.e. on a keyboard, notes to the right of the breakpoint), producing a gradual lowering of amplitude level up the scale. Higher positive or negative values produce a greater variation in the amplitude level.
Pitch & Embouchure Envelopepitch level
+ |
| |
Initial level |
0 |
| time | ||
Release level |
| ||
| Attack |
| Release | ||
– | time |
| time | ||
| |
Note | Note | ||||
on | off |
•Pitch & Embouchure Envelope Initial Level
This parameter specifies the amount of amplitude level key scaling to be applied above or below the breakpoint note specified by the “AmpLvlScBP” parameter, above. A setting of “+00” produces no key scaling. Positive values apply scaling to notes below the breakpoint (i.e. on a keyboard, notes to the left of the breakpoint), producing a gradual
Sets the initial level of the pitch & embouchure envelope generator. A setting of “+00” starts the pitch envelope at normal pitch. Positive values raise the initial pitch while negative values lower the initial pitch in relation to normal pitch.
Filter & Envelope Generator Editing 73