About the Manual
The VL70-m is a very unique tone generator that operates on totally new principles that were simply unheard of until Yamaha released the worlds first “Virtual Acoustic” synthesizer based on computer physical modelling. If you’ve had some experience with the Yamaha VL1, VL1-m, VL-7, or their “Version 2” upgrades, you will have very little trouble understanding the VL70-m. If you are new to VA synthesis, however, you will need a little background before attempting to edit and modify voices. We urge you to read the following section of this manual — “Virtual Acoustic Synthesis — before getting into the details. It will make a huge difference in how quickly you understand the VL70-m system, and how efficiently you will be able to edit voices to create the sound you’re looking for.
Other than the above, the structure of the manual is fairly straightforward. You can approach it in a “linear” manner, reading through from beginning to end, or on an “on demand” basis, going directly to the information you need as you need it. Use the table of contents at the beginning, and the index at the end of the manual to find the information you need.
The following conventions are used through the VL70-m manuals to avoid confusion and make the text easier to read.
■Buttons & Controls
Button and control names used on the VL70-m panel appear in the text in capital letters within square brackets: “the [ENTER] button”, for example.
■Parameter Ranges
An ellipsis is used to indicate a range of parameter values: e.g. “0 … 127”. This minimizes the confusion sometimes caused by the use of a hyphen or dash for this purpose.