P-2302R Series User’s Guide

19.9.1 Bandwidth Borrowing Example

Here is an example of bandwidth management with classes configured for bandwidth borrowing. The classes are set up based on departments and individuals within certain departments.

Table 80 Bandwidth Borrowing Example


Root Class:

Administration: Borrowing Enabled




Sales: Borrowing Disabled




Marketing: Borrowing Enabled




Research: Borrowing Enabled



The Sales class cannot borrow unused bandwidth from the Root class because the Sales class has bandwidth borrowing disabled.

19.9.2Maximize Bandwidth Usage With Bandwidth Borrowing

If you configure both maximize bandwidth usage (on the interface) and bandwidth borrowing (on individual sub-classes), the Prestige functions as follows.

1The Prestige sends traffic according to each bandwidth class’s bandwidth budget.

2The Prestige assigns a parent class’s unused bandwidth to its sub-classes that have more traffic than their budgets and have bandwidth borrowing enabled. The Prestige gives priority to sub-classes of higher priority and treats classes of the same priority equally.

3The Prestige assigns any remaining unused or unbudgeted bandwidth on the interface to any class that requires it. The Prestige gives priority to classes of higher priority and treats classes of the same level equally.

4If the bandwidth requirements of all of the traffic classes are met and there is still some unbudgeted bandwidth, the Prestige assigns it to traffic that does not match any of the classes.

19.10Configuring Summary

Click BW MGMT to open the Summary screen.

Use this screen to enable bandwidth management on an interface and set the maximum allowed bandwidth and scheduler for the interface. You can also enable or disable maximize bandwidth usage.


Chapter 19 Bandwidth Management