P-2302R Series User’s Guide

Figure 109 Menu 1.1 Configure Dynamic DNS

Menu 1.1 - Configure Dynamic DNS

Service Provider= WWW.DynDNS.ORG

Active= No

DDNS Type= DynamicDNS

Host Name 1=

Host Name 2=

Host Name 3=


Password= ********

Enable Wildcard Option= No

Enable Off Line Option= N/A

IP Address Update Policy:

DDNS Server Auto Detect IP Address= No

Use Specified IP Address= No

Use IP Address= N/A

Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:

Press Space Bar to Toggle.

Follow the instructions in the next table to configure Dynamic DNS parameters.

Table 97 Menu 1.1 Configure Dynamic DNS





Service Provider

This is the name of your Dynamic DNS service provider.




Press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and then press [ENTER] to make dynamic DNS




Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select DynamicDNS if you have a


dynamic IP address(es). Select StaticDNS if you have a static IP address(es).


Select CustomDNS to have dyns.org provide DNS service for a domain name that


you already have from a source other than dyndns.org.

Host 1- 3

Enter your host name(s) in the fields provided. You can specify up to two host


names separated by a comma in each field.


Enter your user name.




Enter the password assigned to you.



Enable Wildcard

Your Prestige supports DYNDNS Wildcard. Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER]


to select Yes or No This field is N/A when you choose DDNS client as your service



Enable Offline

This field is only available when CustomDNS is selected in the DDNS Type field.


Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Yes. When Yes is selected, http:/


/www.dyndns.org/ traffic is redirected to a URL that you have previously specified


(see www.dyndns.org for details).

Chapter 22 General Setup