The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Enable DDNS | Select this check box to use dynamic DNS. |
Service Provider | Select the name of your Dynamic DNS service provider. |
DDNS Type | Select the type of service that you are registered for from your Dynamic DNS |
| service provider. |
Host Names 1~3 | Enter the host names in the three fields provided. You can specify up to two |
| host names in each field separated by a comma (","). |
User Name | Enter your user name. |
Password | Enter the password assigned to you. |
Enable Wildcard Option | Select the check box to enable DynDNS Wildcard. |
Enable off line option | This option is available when CustomDNS is selected in the DDNS Type |
(Only applies to custom | field. Check with your Dynamic DNS service provider to have traffic |
DNS) | redirected to a URL (that you can specify) while you are off line. |
IP Address Update Policy: | |
Use WAN IP Address | Select this option to have the Prestige update the domain name with the |
| WAN port's IP address. |
Chapter 4 System Screens | 66 |