Sony CCD-TR920E operating instructions Trouble check, Camcorder, Power, Operation

Page 72


Trouble check

If you run into any problem using the camcorder, use the following table to troubleshoot the problem. Should the difficulty persist, disconnect the power source and contact your Sony dealer or local authorized Sony service facility.




Cause and/or Corrective Action

The power is not on.

•The battery pack is not installed.

mInstall the battery pack. (p.9) •The battery is dead.

mUse a charged battery pack. (p.7)

•The AC power adaptor is not connected to the mains.

mConnect the AC power adaptor to the mains. (p.26)

•You use other types of battery except “InfoLITHIUM” battery.

mUse an “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack.

The power goes off.

•While being operated in CAMERA mode, the camcorder has


been in Standby mode for more than 5 minutes.


mTurn STANDBY down once and then up again. (p.14)


•The battery is dead.


mUse a charged battery pack. (p.7)

The battery pack is quickly discharged.

•The ambient temperature is too low. (p.60) •The battery pack has not been charged fully.

mCharge the battery pack again. (p.7)

•The battery pack is completely dead, and cannot be recharged.

mUse another battery pack. (p.62)

•You use other types of battery except an “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack.

mUse an “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack. (p. 7)

The beep sounds when the battery

•The battery pack is discharged during a long period of storage.

is attached.

mCharge the battery pack again. (p.7)

When you turn off the power, the

•The camcorder is not malfunctioning.

lens makes a noise.






Cause and/or Corrective Action

START/STOP does not operate.

•The tape is stuck to the drum.


mEject the tape. (p.12)


•The tape has run out.


mRewind the tape or use a new one. (p.24)


•The POWER switch is set to VTR.


mSet it to CAMERA. (p.13)

•The tab on the cassette is out (red).

mUse a new tape or slide the tab. (p.12)

Recording stops in a few seconds. •The START/STOP MODE switch is set to 5 SEC or ANTI GROUND SHOOTING .

mSet it to . (p.18)


Image 72
Contents Video Camera Recorder Welcome Table of contents Сîäåðæàíèå Рóññêèé яçûêUsing this manual Ðóêîâîäñòâå ê àïïàðàòóПóëüò äèñòàíöèîííîãî óïðàâëåíèя Пëå÷åâîé ðåìåíü 1 ñòðCharging and installing the battery pack Charging the battery packЗàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêà áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêà Зàðяäêà áàòàðåéíîãî èñòî÷íèêàCharging and installing the battery pack Зàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêà áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêàCharging and installing Battery packInstalling the battery pack Зàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêàUsing the camcorder with the finder slid out or lifted up To restore the viewfinder Дëя âîçâðàùåíèя âèäîèñêàòåëя íà ìåñòîInserting a cassette Вñòàâêà ÂèäåîêàññåòûCamera recording Зàïèñü íà âèäåîêàìåðåBasic operations Оñíîâíûå îïåðàöèèЗàïèñü íà âèäåîêàìåðå Camera recordingПðèìå÷àíèå ïî ðåæèìó çàïèñè Пðèìå÷àíèå ïî çàïèñèПðèìå÷àíèå ïî ñ÷åò÷èêó äëèíû âèäåîëåíòû Пðèìå÷àíèå ïî çâóêîâîé ñèãíàëèçàöèèUsing the zoom feature Иñïîëüçîâàíèå ôóíêöèè òðàíñôîêàöèèWhen you shoot a subject using a telephoto zoom Zooming speed Variable speed 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