Warning indicators | Пðåäóïðåäèòåëüíûå |
èíäèêàöèè | |
If indicators flash in the viewfinder or in the display window, check the following:
³: you can hear the beep sound when the BEEP is set to ON.
Пðè ìèãàíèè èíäèêàöèé â âèäîèñêàòåëå èëè äèñïëåéíîì îêîøêå íàäî ïðîâåðèòü ñëåäóþùåå:
³: Зâóêîâàя ñèãíàëèçàöèя äàåòñя, åñëè ВЕЕР ïîñòàâëåí â ON.
1 Viewfinder | Display window | 2 | 3 |
Вèäîèñêàòåëü | Дèñïëåéíîå |
îêîøêî |
| |
| 5min | 0min | |
| ||
4 |
| 5 | 6 |
| C:21:00 |
7 |
| 8 | 9 |
| C:31:10 |
| 4 7 1997 |
1The battery is weak or dead.
Slow flashing: The battery is weak.
Fast flashing: The battery is dead.
2The tape is near the end.
The flashing is slow.
3The tape has run out.
The flashing becomes rapid.
4No tape has been inserted.
5The tab on the tape is out (red).
6Moisture condensation has occurred. (p. 66)
7The video heads may be contaminated.
(p. 67)
8Some other trouble has occurred.
Use the
If the display does not disappear contact your Sony dealer or local authorized Sony service facility.
9The lithium battery is weak or is not
94 | installed. (p. 55) |
1 Бàòàðåéêà ðàçðяæåíà çíà÷èòåëüíî èëè ïîëíîñòüþ.
Мåäëåííîå ìèãàíèå: Рàçðяæåíà çíà÷èòåëüíî.
Бûñòðîå ìèãàíèå: Рàçðяæåíà ïîëíîñòüþ.
2 Вèäåîëåíòà ïðèáëèæàåòñя ê êîíöó. Мèãàåò ìåäëåííî.
3 Вèäåîëåíòà íå ïåðåìåùàåòñя. Мèãàíèå ïðîèñõîäèò áûñòðî.
4 Вèäåîëåíòà îòñóòñòâóåò.
5 Лåïåñòîê íà âèäåîêàññåòå âûâåäåí (êðàñíîãî öâåòà).
6 Оáíàðóæåíà êîíäåíñàöèя âëàãè (ñòð. 66)
7 Зàãðяçíåíèå âèäåîãîëîâîê (ñòð. 67)
8 Вîçíèêíîâåíèå äð. íåèñïðàâíîñòåé Иñïîëüçóéòå ôóíêöèþ ñàìîäèàãíîñòèêè (ñòð. 81).
Еñëè èíäèêàöèя íå èñ÷åçíåò, îáðàòèòåñü ê Вàøåìó äèëåðó Sony èëè â ìåñòíûé óïîëíîìî÷åííûé ñåðâèñíûé öåíòð Sony.
9 Лèòèåâàя áàòàðåéêà ðàçðяæåíà èëè íå çàãðóæåíà (ñòð. 55)