Using the Lithium Ion Battery Pack | PouÏívání |
Table of continuous recording time based on model and battery type.
✤If you close the LCD screen, it switches off and the viewfinder switches on automatically.
✤The continuous recording times given in the table above are approximations.
Actual recording time depends on usage.
Time | Charging | Continuous recording time | ||
| ||
Battery | time | LCD ON | VIEWFINDER ON | |
Approx. | Approx. | Approx. | ||
2hr | 1hr 30min | 2hr | ||
| ||||
Approx. | Approx. | Approx. | ||
3hr 30min | 3hr 10min | 4hr 10min | ||
| ||||
Reference |
Tabulka doby nepfietrÏitého záznamu na základû modelu a typu baterie
✤JestliÏe LCD monitor pfiiklopíte, vypne se a automaticky se zapne elektronick˘ hledáãek (EVF).
✤Doby nepfietrÏitého záznamu v níÏe uvedené tabulce jsou pfiibliÏné.
Skuteãná doba záznamu závisí na zpÛsobu pouÏívání kamery.
âas | âas | Doba nepfietrÏitého záznamu | ||
Baterie | nabíjení | S LCD monitorem | S hledáãkem | |
| ||||
cca | cca. 1 h 30 min | cca. 2 h | ||
2 h | ||||
| ||
cca | cca. 3 h 10 min | cca. 4 h 10 min | ||
3 h 30 min | ||||
| ||
Reference |
■ The battery pack should be recharged in an environment of | ■ Baterie by mûla b˘t nabíjena pfii okolní teplotû mezi 0°C (32°F) a |
between 32°F (0°C) and 104°F (40°C). | 40°C (104°F). |
■ The battery pack should never be charged in a room temperature | ■ Baterie by nikdy nemûla b˘t nabíjena pfii teplotû okolí pod 0°C |
that is below 32°F (0°C). | (32°F). |
■ The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if it is used | ■ Îivotnost a kapacita baterie bude sníÏena pfii dlouhodobém |
in temperatures below 32°F (0°C) or left in temperatures above | pouÏívání pfii teplotách pod 0°C (32°F) a nad 40°C (104°F) i kdyÏ |
104°F (40°C) for a long period, even when it is fully recharged. | je plnû nabita. |
■ Do not put the battery pack near any heat source (fire or flames, | ■ Nepokládejte baterii blízko zdrojÛ tepla (napfiíklad radiátorÛ nebo |
for example). | plamene). |
■ Do not disassemble, process, pressure, or heat the Battery Pack. | ■ Baterii nerozebírejte, nevystavujte teplu ani tlaku. |
■ Do not allow the + and – terminals of the battery pack to be short- | ■ ZabraÀte zkratování svorek (+ a |
circuited. It may cause leakage, heat generation, induce fire and | mohlo dojít k úniku elektrolytu, zahfiívání, pfiehfiátí a vzniku poÏáru. |
overheating. | 25 |